advanced special topic - Updates in Sand Tray Play Therapy (13 ce hrs.)

Prerequisite Sand Tray Play Therapy Levels 1-4 at Center for Sand Tray Play, or approved comparable training.

This workshop provides a review and update for those who have previously completed Levels 1-4. Participants will deepen their conceptualization and application of the foundational principles of sand tray play therapy, as well as using symbols, themes, developmental perspectives, and countertransference as tools for deepening attunement in sand tray play therapy.

Goal   To sharpen clinical skills and deepen theoretical perspectives regarding the practice of sand tray play therapy.

Objectives Workshop participants will
1.      review the six foundational principles of sand tray play therapy, including the neurological basis and application of each
2.      review the levels of symbolic meaning and the progression of visual themes as tools for deepening attunement to clients and their sand tray process
3.     review six developmental theories and their expressions in the sand tray process as a tool for attunement, case conceptualization, and communication of the sand tray process
4.      review the understanding and application of countertransference as a tool in sand tray play therapy

5. strengthen skills for attunement and witnessing in sand tray play therapy

General Workshop Information