advanced SPEcial topic - Cultural Perspectives in Sand Tray Play Therapy (13 ce hrs)

(Previous Level 5)

Prerequisite Sand Tray Play Therapy Levels 1-4 at Center for Sand Tray Play, or approved comparable training.

This advanced special topic workshop continues to explore the multidimensional nature of sand tray play through attention to the cultural dynamics at work in both the builder and the witness.   Participants will explore their own personal culture through sand tray play, learn to attune to the often unspoken cultural expressions in a client's sand tray, and increase their awareness of the cultural interaction between the builder and witness in a sand tray process.

Goals   1.   To increase cultural competence by examining the multidimensionality of culture as experienced in the context of sand tray play
2.  To deepen therapists' attunement to clients through attention to the various cultural expressions in their sand tray play

Objectives  Workshop participants will
1.      learn about the multidimensionality of culture through various cultural models
2.      increase their attunement to the multi-dimensions of culture in their clients
3.     explore cultural transference and countertransference through attention to a specific client case
4.      integrate broadened cultural perspectives into their professional practice of sand tray play therapy

General Workshop Information