special topic: Refresher course in sand tray play therapy (13 ce hrs.)

Prerequisite Sand Tray Play Therapy Level 1 & 2 (or higher) at Center for Sand Tray Play, or approved comparable training.

This special topic workshop primarily reviews the learnings and processes from Levels 1 & 2. It is designed specifically for those who previously completed these two beginning levels workshops, or higher, and wish to refresh their knowledge and experience in sand tray play therapy. Group process and hands-on building experiences will be used to review the foundational principles of sand tray play and deepen attunement skills for witnessing of the sand tray process.

Goal To enhance the professional training and practice of therapists who have previously completed at least Sand Tray Play Therapy Levels 1 and 2.

Objectives Workshop participants will be able to

  1. articulate a clear understanding of the foundational principles of sand tray play therapy

  2. recognize and distinguish between various levels of symbolic meaning for figures used in a sand tray world

  3. describe various methods for identifying themes in a sand tray

  4. apply a system of progressive visual themes to identify progression within a sand tray process

  5. demonstrate use of the foundational principles, symbols, and themes for effective attunement during the witnessing of a sand tray process

  6. experience the multidimensional and developmental nature of sand tray play

General Workshop Information

Please read the Cancellation & Refund Policy below before you register.